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+Aim Hi+Stay Fly+

WolfGangGang & Co. lives by this mantra. What exactly does it mean? We wrap it up in three principles; Bee Authentic, Bee Original and Bee Your Best. We couldn't be our best if we didn't give something back. With every purchase you make, you are contributing to two causes we strongly support and which we are deeply rooted by us donating a portion of proceeds. We thank you so much for your purchase!


Metropolitan Museum of Design Detroit (MM-o-DD)

was founded by Leslie Ann Pilling to provide access of educational enrichment and experiential opportunity to diverse communities with mobile programs and Museum exhibitions geared to the Design Industry. Their BrainWorxx initiative is a community out-reach inclusive platform created to explore the impact of design, art and nature on brain health.


The John H Wineman Education-Research Fund

Was established in 2001 in memory of John Wineman, father to our founder WolfGangGang. John (or Papa John as his grandchildren have memorialized him) passed away in 2000 from a rare type of cancer. John's last two years on earth were made a little easier and much more comforting with the fabulous oncology team at University of Michigan then led by Dr.Cornelius J. McGinn. The memory of John lives on through his grandchildren who in turn inspire our mission every day.

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